One of the most essential elements in Rita’s life is her connection to the DANI day program. With its dedicated, outstanding staff, this program has enriched Rita’s life in so many ways. Every day she learns new things in various topics such as literacy, art techniques, drama, and vocational training — DANI does it all. When covid struck in 2020, the staff at DANI instantly created an online day program via Zoom, which kept us going through the first lockdowns. As soon as they could, the in-person program resumed and has managed to stay open, despite the pandemic. Of course, this has come at a significant cost — more staff was hired, the space was expanded to 2 campuses to allow for appropriate physical distancing. Many other costs have been incurred due to the pandemic. In contrast, revenue from DANI’s social purpose businesses has fallen due to covid restrictions.
On March 2-3, DANI is holding an online fundraiser. Each participant has a dedicated page to collect team members who support them. Donations by team members will be matched, so every donation is doubled. We invite you to join “Team Rita” at this link:
Please donate whatever you can. We appreciate all donations and thank you for helping to keep DANI moving forward and serving adults with intellectual disabilities. The link is live so you can donate today!