Excerpted from DANI Days Newsletter
October 30, 2024
VOL. 216
A word from Helen, Rita’s mom: Rita has been a loyal participant of monthly art challenges on Instagram where a group called@ifdrawaweek posts challenges and people then paint or draw and post their work. For the month of October, they invited Rita to come up with 4 art prompts which
makes her a guest host on this account. Here is what Rita had to share about her
Rita’s @ifdrawaweek Challenges
by Rita
I would like to talk about how I was requested to be the host for @ifdrawaweek
on Instagram. I made up the prompts for October. Checking the art that other
artists sent in was fun. My prompts were: colorful leaves, happy harvest, Hallowe’en and
October birthdays.
Other artists who joined the challenge so far are named Carlos, Karin, Heidie,
Ella, Andrea, Inge, Troy and Kelly. These artists come from Belgium, Finland,
Spain, Sweden, USA, Australia and the UK. The art they created included
leaves, apples, pumpkins, flowers, ghosts, landscape and a frog. Being host
made me happy. I enjoy to be host this month of October.

Rita viewing images posted by other artists during her art challenge.
by Rita
I would like to talk about Sukkot. It is the next Jewish holiday and it will begin at
night. We have Sukkot candles and festive meals with our families. The Sukkah
comes with tables and chairs. We made a Sukkah. It is a tent with windows and doors.
In the Sukkah. We have colorful decorations.
I painted Sukkot with the Rabbi and lulav and the lemon. It is called etrog. We shake
them on the Sukkot Jewish holiday. We had 2 more Jewish holidays this week and
then the DANI schedule will be back to normal for everybody. We will go back to
our routine and schedule for DANI participants. Let’s say Happy Sukkot to
everyone who is celebrating it with their families!
On Sukkot, I went to Kingston, Ontario over the weekend. I did a live painting and
read my book My Art, My World to school children. The kids watched me paint and
they picked different colors. The kids enjoyed my painting. I held it up with my
mom. We also went to the beach in Kingston and threw sticks for Rosie the dog and I
saw swans. We had a Sukkah party with my mom’s friend Jackie. I enjoyed going to
Kingston for Sukkot!

Rita standing outside Sukkah in Kingston.

Painting in the Sukkah in Kingston.

Rita and Helen reading My Art, My World to grades two and three classes.